Manipulate Joomla Content With DOMDocument PHP
The DOMDocument Php class is great for reading and manipulating elements on a page. It's similar to jQuery for PHP. The sample code below loads the body from Joomla, throws it into a DOMDocument, and then updates the page with whatever changes you make to the DOMDocument.
<?php //I used this code in a system plugin public function onAfterRender(){ $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($app->isSite()){ $pageBody = $app->getBody(); $domDoc = new DOMDocument(); $domDoc->loadHTML($pageBody); //Your code here $app->setBody($domDoc->saveHTML()); } } ?>
You could then, for example, iterate through all the classes in the document and add a responsive class to them:
<?php $images = $domDoc->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach ($images as $img) { $imgclass = $img->getAttribute('class'); $img->setAttribute('class', $imgclass . ' responsive-img'); } ?>
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